Object Modeling System Laboratory

OMSLab was established to support software and modeling technology transfer from research to governmental agencies, private sector collaborators, and non-profit organizations.

OMSlab is the software and technology development arm of the One Water Solutions Institute.  OMSLab promotes the use of Object Modeling Systems (OMS) to collaboratively develop, provision, and deploy science models for analysis of natural resource concerns, assisting land management decision-making.

The Object Modeling System (OMS) is a framework for designing, building, validating, and deploying agro-environmental models. It contains four platforms:

  • Model development (model creation, calibration, simulation, and analysis console)
  • Model deployment (models and data as web services scaled to a cloud infrastructure)
  • Data provisioning (soil, climate, land management operations)
  • Knowledge base (model component library, component metadata)

With the OMS deployment platform, an agency or company information technology (IT) organization can:

  • Integrate validated science models and components into their business application systems and workflows
  • Use the OMS cloud services platform to run models to run as services scaled to heavy user load
  • Provision data to models through OMS data access services


  • Model-as-a-Service (Maas) development, validation, and deployment
  • Metamodel-as-a-Service (MMaaS) development, validation, and deployment
  • Continuous Integration and DevOps process
  • Data Center (Cloud) hosting support with container-based deployments
  • Natural resource business expertise for requirements analysis and design specifications
  • Natural resource data provisioning



  • Next Generation Water Supply Forecasting
  • Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative
  • Framework Integrating Complex Urban Systems
  • Model and Data Services for Sustainability Fieldprints


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